Sunday, March 28, 2010


Duke and Michigan State will join Butler and West Virginia in Indianapolis, but that didn't stop 49 of our 75 contestants (65.3%) from predicting exactly zero (0) Final Four teams correctly. We had 22 entrants who got one (1) right, and four players (Crotty, D Kedson, Madison Leach, Tester) whose success rate (two (2) accurate selections -- 50%) couldn't pass a fifth grade science test but who look like Einstein compared to the average pool-picker (funny hair and all).

Updated standings may be found at the ubiquitous link on the right side of the page. We'll have more comments tomorrow, but for now we'd like to congratulate Crotty for winning the pool while not paying the entry fee. No matter what happens in Indianapolis next weekend, Crotty will have the most points and someone else will win first prize. Mr. Crotty, at least three entry-fee paying contestants salute you.

We'll break down who and how many tomorrow.

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