Friday, March 22, 2019

Chomp Eons

Over the course of 29 years, one thing is certain about our contest -- our most popular champion almost never wins. So, Duke fans, be afraid, be very afraid.

Yes, Duke is our most popular pick, with 19 of us digging the Devils as national champs. But over the past 29 tournaments, that honor came to fruition six (6) times, or 20.7%. Three teams got 10 or more votes (including Virginia (18) and Gonzaga (10)), and no other team got more than three votes. The full breakdown is below:

Duke: 19
Virginia: 18
Gonzaga: 10
Michigan State: 3 (Karlsruher, L Leach, J Whiteside)
Tennessee: 2 (Gorenstein, P Leach)
North Carolina: 2 (Baum, Mash Leach)
Michigan: 2 (Ayala, Elle Leach)
Kentucky: 2 (Ed Leach, M Paston)

All eight of these teams survived the first round. We'll see how they do over the weekend.

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