Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Not surprisingly, our Final Four predictions more or less mirror our Elite Eight choices. In this case, only three entrants picked Final Four teams that didn't make the field. And two of those three choices (Seton Hall, picked by HR, and Northwestern, taken by Brenner) aren't playing anywhere anymore. Day should feel proud that his choice, Washington, is at least still alive in the NIT.

Seven teams taken by at least one contestant to make the Final Four didn't even make the final 32: Missouri (selected by 30), Duke (29), Indiana (2), Notre Dame (1), Wichita State (1), UConn (1), and Michigan (1). Another three teams (Georgetown (2), Iowa State (2), and Florida State (2)) dropped by the wayside in the second round.

Overall, 34 of us still have all four Final Four teams standing; 54 of us still have three. Eight edgy entrants are holding tight to a mere two Final Four teams: Pogach, B Peloso, Joe Mc, Butch Acchione, Pangolin Palace, Atkinson, HR, and D Kornfeld.

Full Final Four breakdown may be perused here.

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